Gym Experience
The WAR White Board Concept
CLEARA. 3 Sets (not for time) of: 5 Goblet Squat (55/35) + 10 Russian KBS (55/35) + 5 Goblet Squat; rest 1 minuteB. Build to your 85% in the clean and then begin A of the strong.STRONGA. 8 Sets of:Clean 1. 1; rest 2 minutesNOTE: All 8 sets need to be done @ 85%+. Rest 10 seconds in between singles. Log loading and how this goes for you.B. Low Bar- 4(75%), 3(80%), 2(85%), 1(90-95%) +Max Reps @ 80% rest 3 minutes in between setsBALANCEFour sets for times of:15 CTB Pull Ups + 20 Box Jumps (24) + 25 KBS (70/55); rest 2 minutes NOTE: Log four separate times...