Gym Experience
STUDENTCLEAR3 sets of:10 Fast Thrusters (65/45) + 10 Fast Burpees; rest 1 minuteNOTE: Light load, however, work on being fast on both thruster and burpee. STRONGA. EMOM for 10 minutes: 2 Squat CleansNOTE: Try and build each minute. Log loads..Be better than monday..B. 5 Low Bar; rest 2 minutes X 4 + Max Reps set @ 90%NOTE: All work sets, slightly heavier than Monday. Max reps set to be done with 90% of what you used for your sets across. BALANCE5 Rounds for time of:10 Power Clean & Jerk (135/95) + 12 Pull UpsNOTE: Log time completed. LIFE COACHCLEAR3 sets of:10 Fast Thrusters (65/45) + 10 Fast Burpees; rest 1 minuteNOTE: Light load, however, work on being fast on both thruster and burpee. STRONGA. Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes perform: 1 Squat CleanNOTE: Percentage: 55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 101+. Log loads and how this goes. B. Low Bar: 4 (70), 3 (80), 2 (90), 1 (95); then find your new 1RM in 3 or 4 more sets. NOTE: Log loads. BALANCEThree Rounds For Time:5 Power Clean (185/135) + 10 Rack Reverse Lunges (185/135) + 20 Box Jumps (20)NOTE: So after finishing your fifth power clean you then hold the weight in the rack position and then proceed to reverse lunge, touching your back knee on the ground. Focus on pushing up through you heals. Log time Completed...