Gym Experience

Andrew (only in week 5) of WAR performing:

1 Clean High + 1 Power Clean + 1 Thruster (#165)

I'm excited to see where he's going to be at in another 12 weeks. Way to go hard bro..

 WAR CONCEPT: The Unique Way of LifeWAR is a way of life that is unique to the majority of the populations. Because the disease of addiction is so strong - we have come to realize that the only way for us to achieve happiness is if an intense lifestyle change take place in our lives. We believe that without this intense lifestyle change then no progress will be made and we will remain trapped in the abyss of our addiction, never coming to experience life on the peaks, but only remaining in the shadows. WAR provides this new way of life for us, and then some. Because of the fact that we have to be intense searchers of new healthy ways to get high - WAR gives us such opportunities in that it creates new and improved memories for us to lean on when those old memories (cravings) creep back into our mind. It's the intense jogging experience up on a mountainous trail, or the setting of a new personal record on the back squat within the gym experience that helps us to create those new memories that lead us to having confidence moving forward. These three experiences (gym, remote, weekend) that we promote in WAR are what lead us to these new memories and to also finding our spiritual self. It's the spirit within us, that when woken up and found, leads us to the development of the charitable character, which is the greatest of all characters.Write about this me what you wrote: dustin@workoutaddictionrecovery.comSTUDENTCLEARAMRAP in 10 minutes of:5 Strict Pull Ups + 3 Wall Walks + 2 Turkish Get Ups (55/35 - switch arms)NOTE: Log rounds completed...STRONGA. 75 Anchored Sit-Ups for timerest exactly 1 minute in betweenB. 75 Pull Ups for timeBALANCEAMRAP in 10 minutes of:5 Push Press (Clean it up -135/95) + 5 Burpee Bar Hops + 5 toes2barNOTE: Log rounds completed... LIFE COACHCLEAR3 rounds (not for time):10 CTB Pull Ups + 10 Ring Dips + 10 Toes2BarSTRONG6 sets of:1 Halting Clean Dead Lift + 1 Hang Squat Clean; rest 2 minutesNOTE: Dead to mid-thigh, pause for 1 second, pulling the weight into you, and then advance the bar all of the way up and go into the hang squat clean. Build over the course of 6 sets. Challenge yourself on the loading...BALANCE3 Sets for times of:Row 500 Meters + 25 Unbroken Box Jumps (24/20) + 15 HSPUrest 4 minutesNOTE: Log 3 separate times...