Gym Experience

Weightlifting + Spiritual Work

1 Snatch + 1 Power Clean & Jerk + 2 minutes of reading & writing X 10

CLEAR5 Sets of:3 TnG Power Snatch + 6 OHS; rest 2 minutesNOTE: Build in your load over the course of the five sets. Log loads.STRONGLow Bar: 5 (80%), 3 (90%), 1 (95%). + 8 Reps (70-80%); rest 2 minutes X 3NOTE: Similar to last monday - only we are doing 8 reps instead of 10 with a higher percentage. Compare notes and how you did last monday with 10 reps so that you can figure out what percentage to use today..BALANCEFor time complete 40-30-20-10 reps for time of:Wall Balls + Box Jumps (20 inch)NOTE: Log time completed. Stick with the 20 inch box. Work on the box jumps being fast and touch and go. As you jump off think about opening up your hips. I'm not looking for a pause at the top of the box. I want you of the box as fast as possible with a quick rebound off of the floor. Scale this as necessary: (30,20,10).