The Daily Experience 12/17/13
Find a Winter Sport... Remote ProgramA. Run for 10 minutes - warm up pace (work on gratitude / prayer)B. 4 Rounds For Time Of:20 Anchored Sit-Ups + 10 Burpeesrest / read for 5 minutes on your phone and then move on to C.C. 4 Rounds for time of:20 Calorie Rows + 15 Push - Ups (chest2deck)NOTE: If you don't have a row machine at your gym then look for an Airdyne or a bike of some sort -- and then be creative. Challenge yourself -- have a high intensity..Post time completed on both B & C + how this entire workout went.D. Cool down run for 10 minutes (pray / work on gratitude)E. Read for 20 minutes (something spiritual) + send out a positive text message to someone.. Student ProgramCLEAR3 Sets (not for time) of:45 sec hand stand hold + 10 knees2Elbows + 10 KBSSTRONGA. Find your 1RM - Strict Shoulder PressB. Take 70% of A and perform 30 strict shoulder press for time...BALANCE3 Sets of:6 Power Cleans (135/95) + 10 burpee Bar Hops + 6 Shoulder2overhead (135/95)rest 2 minutes.. Life Coach ProgramCLEAR3 sets (not for time) of:7 (challenging/elevated) HSPU + 7 Burpees + 7 toes2barNOTE: Get loose...STRONG5 sets of:1 Power Clean + 1 Push Press + 1 JerkNOTE: Challenge yourself on the loading. Post 5 loads..BALANCEA. 3 sets of:6 Power Cleanrest 60 seconds8 Shoulder2overheadrest 60 secondsNOTE: Set 1: 155/105. Set 2: 170/115. Set 3: 185/125. Post total time completed - -including the rests..Rest exactly 5 minutes after completing A, and then move on to B. Scale loading as necessary, with three loads that you can handle but that will be challenging..B. 3 Rounds for time of:10 HSPU + 10 BurpeesNOTE: Post time completed...