The Daily Experience 1/9/14
Experience prayer and meditation at night, outside, and in the winter time. This could be done at night while shoveling your driveway, or even when just taking your garbage out..Remote ProgramA. As Many Rounds/Reps as Possible in 20 Minutes of:Row 2k + 75 Thrusters (45lb barbell) + 30 Burpee Pull-UpsNOTE: Scale as necessary. Post time completedB. Cool Day -- lay on your back for 5 minutes getting lost in reflection, gratitude, and prayer... Student / Life Coach ProgramCLEARA. 12 Minute Dynamic Warm-upB. Play with a 45, 65, or 95lb bar for 5-7 minutes. Focus on: OHS, Muscle Snatch, Snatch BalanceSTRONGA. Build to 70% (1RM) in the Power Clean.B. 3 Power Cleans (70%); rest 45 seconds X 9.NOTE: Post loads and how this goes..BALANCEA. As Many Rounds/Reps as Possible in 20 Minutes of:Row 2k + 150 wall balls + 30 Burpee CTB Pull-UpsNOTE: Scale as necessary. Post time completedB. Cool Day -- lay on your back for 5 minutes getting lost in reflection, gratitude, and prayer...