The Daily Experience 1/20/13

Click to Read the Article: The School of AddictionRemote ProgramCLEARA. Run 1 mile @ 70%--somewhat challenge yourself. Force thoughts of gratitude into your mind -- look to be thankful for exercise....This could be done outside, indoors, or even on a treadmill. Post how this goes..B. 3 Sets of:25 Fast Anchored Sit-ups + 45 Second Push-Up Plank Holdrest 1 minuteC. Walk around and meditate for 3 minutes before going into the STRONG...STRONGA. 5 Low Bar; rest 2 minutes X 5 (slightly heavier than last time)NOTE: Read / meditate during rest–heavier than last time. If you don’t already, you need to be able to read off of your phone (amazon kindle — or iBooks)BALANCEA. For Time Complete:30 Low Bar (155/95) +30 Burpees + Run 800 MetersNOTE: Scale low bar as necessary. Similar to last monday, only slightly different with the low bar load being heavier. Post how this goes... SPIRITUAL WORKA. Call someone after the gym experience to see how they are doing. Let the endorphins from doing the best that you could in the workout lead you to having a good, uplifting conversation...Post about it if you want... Student ProgramCLEARA. Dynamic Warm-Up (Get loose by performing in the movements)B. Complete 10 Rnds for time of: 1 HSPU + 2 Burpees + 3KBS (70/55)STRONGA. Low Bar: 5 (70), 3(80), 1(90). + 7 Reps @65%; rest 2 min X 2B. Max Strict Pull-Ups; rest 2 minutes; Max Strict Pull-UpsNOTE: Post loads + Total Pull-ups BALANCEMax Effort -- For Total Time:Row 250 metersrest 2 min.Row 250 metersrest 90 secondsRow 250 metersrest 60 secondsRow 250 metersrest 30 secondsRow 250 metersrest 60 secondsRow 250 metersrest 90 secondsRow 250 metersrest 2 minutesSPIRITUAL WORKA. Call someone after the gym experience to see how they are doing. Let the endorphins from doing the best that you could in the workout lead you to having a good, uplifting conversation...Post about it if you want... Life Coach ProgramCLEARA. Dynamic Warm-Up (Get loose by performing in the movements)B. Tabata Box Jumps -- 3 minutes (take low score)STRONGA. Build to a tough single in the Power SnatchB. 3 Power snatch (80%); rest 45 -60 seconds X 8.NOTE: Slightly heavier than last week..Stick to that exact rest time…Post loads..Also, post video if you canC. Low Bar: 5 (70), 3 (80), 1 (90), 1(95), 1 (reset 1RM if you feel like you can.) + 10 Reps @70%; rest 1 minutes; 10 Reps @ 70%NOTE: Post all loads in A, B, & C. On the low bar, and only if you feel like it, then give it a shot to reset your 1RM. And then if you do reset it, base your 70% off of the new 1RM. BALANCEA. For Time Complete: 20 Power Clean & Jerks (185/105)       rest 2 minutes and then... B. Max Calories Row in 4 MinutesNOTE: Be detailed and post how this last part goes...SPIRITUAL WORKA. Call someone after the gym experience to see how they are doing. Let the endorphins from doing the best that you could in the workout lead you to having a good, uplifting conversation...Post about it if you want...