The Daily Experience 1/21/14
WAR Concept: Weekend ExperiencesA selfie of me doing last weeks weekend experience. I had a great experience. I did it on sunday, where I headed off into the cold brisk day with only having uplifting music playing in my ear, and nothing more; it was perfect. I was gone for roughly 90 minutes. I jogged some, and then I walked some. I decided to take my journey up into the highland neighborhoods, wanting a bit more challenging terrain to unfold in an effort to get my blood boiling. I sprinted up hills, and then I walked many of the strait aways. After I made my way down I ended up walking the remainder of the way home. I had a great time, with just me, my music, and God....Try it if you haven't already....Remote ProgramA. 5 Sets for times of:20 Calorie Row15 KBS (55/35)10 Push-Ups (chest2deck)rest 2 minutesB. 10 minute cool down walk while listening to good, inspirational music. Nothing hard, but something soft. Work on prayer and gratitude along the way.SPIRITUAL WORKA. Read for 20-30 minutes. Something powerful...B. At night time, and just before bed, walk outside your house and say a prayer/get lost in meditative thought. Student ProgramCLEARA. For max time complete 3 rounds of:Ring Plank Holds while completing one ring push-up every 10 secondsB. 30 Overhead Barbell lunges (snatch grip--45/35)STRONGA. 5 minute of Snatch Balance Work (45lb bar)NOTE: If you are not familiar with the snatch balance then google Mike Burgener and snatch balance.B. 3 Hang Power Snatch; rest 2 minutes X 5NOTE: make these strong and powerful; be progressive with the weight. Keep challenging yourself each set. If you are confident with the snatch then make these squat snatches...BALANCE3 Rounds for time of:10 Push Press (135/85)10 Burpee Box Jumps10 Toes2BarSPIRITUAL WORKA. Read for 20-30 minutes. Something powerful...B. At night time, and just before bed, walk outside your house and say a prayer/get lost in meditative thought. Life Coach ProgramCLEAR3 sets of:10 Fast Russian KBS (70/55) + 10 Fast Burpeesrest 1 minuteNOTE: Post total time completed including rests...STRONGA. Build to a tough single in the Push PressB. EMOM for 7 minutes of: 3 Push Press @ 80%NOTE: Post loadsBALANCE3 sets for times of:10 Squat Clean (135/85) + 20 Pull-Upsrest 2 minutes...NOTE: Score is total time, including two minute rest. Be accurate....SPIRITUAL WORKA. Read for 20-30 minutes. Something powerful...B. At night time, and just before bed, walk outside your house and say a prayer/get lost in meditative thought.