The Daily Experience 2/10/14

WAR CONCEPT: Being Humble + Having MoneyA. I think the way of life that we should all seek to live is the one where we live humbly. We shouldn't care what other people think. We shouldn't care about trying to be big shots, hoping that everyone will see us. The type of person I'm promoting that we become are the ones who make stuff happen but we don't care if anyone knows about it.I read something the other day about how General George C. Marshall, who was going to have the opportunity of becoming the supreme allied commander in Europe to head up the invasion forces, which would be an opportunity of a lifetime. Franklin D. Roosevelt told Marshall that the job was his if he wanted it, but that he did, however, feel as if he would be better utilized as remaining in Washington as the Chief of Staff. Marshall then, in a courageous act, gave up his opportunity to step into the lime light, passing it along instead to Dwight Eisenhower, and choosing the position that was less visible.I think there is something great to be learned from General George C. Marshall. Sometimes it is best if we just step aside and let others have their turn, even when we feel as if it may be our turn. Our life may be good enough as is -- but it is human nature to always want and expect more.Post what you think about the above concept...B. The smaller house, average salary, and us living within our means might be a happier life then the one who experiences all of the toys, a big house, and a large salary. Sometimes I wonder if I had money and more material comfort if I would seek a relationship with God in the way that I do now. I would like to think that I would, but money does funny things to people. Also, if money did come into our lives can we do the right thing with money?Post what you think about the above concept.... Remote ProgramCLEARA. 3 Sets of:10 Fast BurpeesRun 400 Metersrest 2 minutesNOTE: Post 5 timesSTRONGA. Build to a tough single in the Low Bar Back SquatB. EMOM for 10 minutes of: 3 Low Bar @ 60% of A.BALANCEFor Time Complete:Row 1K30 Thrusters (95/65)NOTE: Post time completed...SPIRITUAL WORKA. Directly after the gym experience -- drive somewhere or walk somewhere that is quiet and say a 3-5 minute prayer. Work on gratitude -- stating all of the things that you are thankful for, and then at the end ask for help and guidance. Student ProgramCLEARA. Row for 5 minutes @ 80%B. 3 sets (not for time) of:10 KBS10 Goblet Squat10 BurpeesSTRONGA. Build to a tough single in the Low Bar (need perfect technique & depth)B. EMOM for 10 minutes of: 3 Low Bar @ 65% of A.C. Push Press: 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1, 1 (be better than last time)NOTE: Post times completed for A,B,C…BALANCEComplete 21, 15, 9, reps for time of:Goblet KB Step Ups (70/55 + 24 inch box)Pull-UpsSPIRITUAL WORKA. Directly after the gym experience -- drive somewhere or walk somewhere that is quiet and say a 3-5 minute prayer. Work on gratitude -- stating all of the things that you are thankful for, and then at the end ask for help and guidance. Life Coach ProgramCLEARA. 3 Sets (not for time):10 Strict HSPU5 Bar Muscle Ups OR Muscle Ups30 Double UndersSTRONGA. Build to a tough single in the Squat Snatch (hopefully heavier than last week)B. EMOM for 5 minutes of: 5 TnG Squat Snatch @ 60-65% of A (be slightly heavier than last week)C. EMOM for 7 minutes perform: 3 Front Squat @ 75%NOTE: Post loads + how A, B, & C– goes for you…BALANCEFor Time Complete:15 Thrusters (95/65)Row 500 Meters25 CTB Pull-Ups15 Thrusters (95/65)Row 500 Meters25 CTB Pull-UpsNOTE: Post time completed. Chest must touch bar in order for the pull-up to count. If you can't do CTB pull-ups for 50 reps then scale to regular pull-ups..SPIRITUAL WORKA. Directly after the gym experience -- drive somewhere or walk somewhere that is quiet and say a 3-5 minute prayer. Work on gratitude -- stating all of the things that you are thankful for, and then at the end ask for help and guidance.