The Daily Experience 3/18/14

Bed time routine...WAR CONCEPT: Bed Time RoutineWhat does your routine look like? Are you watching TV?--Or are you reading, or both? What does your nutrition look like before bed? What time are you going to bed and what time are you waking up? Are you preparing the following days nutrition the night before?Answer these questions and then further elaborate on what you are doing well on-- and where you need improvement as far as having a healthy routine goes.Post to comments...Remote ProgramA.  5 Minute Warm-Up Jog (prayer / gratitude)B. Run for 2 minutes @ 90% effort, then walk for 1 minute X 7. (post how far you got + pictures)C. 100 Push-Ups for time (where ever you finish B at--post)D. 5 Minute Cool Down Jog (further prayer & Gratitude)E. At night, go outside of your house and get lost in meditative thought and prayer for 3-5 minutes…Post how the entire experience went–A-D.. Student ProgramCLEARA. Tabata Sit-Ups-4 minutesB. 200 Double Unders for timeSTRONGA. Build to a heavy single in the Power CleanB. 5 sets of:1 Clean Grip Dead Lift + 1 Power Clean + 1 Power Clean & JerkC. 50 Ring Dips (not for time--but fairly fast). Work on solid ROM, being smooth.BALANCEA. 3 Minute AMRAP of:10 KBS5 Burpeesrest 3 minutesB. 3 Minute AMRAP of:10 Wall Balls5 Burpeesrest 3 minutesC. Minute AMRAP of:10 Hang Power Snatch (75/35)5 BurpeesNOTE: Post 3 scores, rnds / reps for each 3 minute AMRAP..SPIRITUAL WORKA. At night, go outside of your house and get lost in meditative thought and prayer for 3-5 minutes…Post how the entire experience went–A-D.. Life Coach ProgramCLEARComplete 15, 12, 9 reps for time of:Hand Stand Push UpsKBS (70/55)--clear earsBurpeesSTRONGA. EMOM for 6 minutes perform: 3-4 Close Grip @ 85%--1RM (post load used)B. Max Reps: Close Grip Bench @ 70%; rest 2 minutes X 2 (post load + total reps)BALANCE4 Sets for times of:50 Calories Rows25 Push Press (95/65)rest 3 minutesNOTE: Post 4 times, as well as total time that it took you to finish with including the rest periods. Shoot to do those Push Press unbroken...SPIRITUAL WORKA. At night, go outside your house and get lost in meditative thought and prayer for 3-5 minutes…