The Low Bar Funnel
The Low Bar FunnelThe Low Bar back squat is the lift that we use in WAR to funnel people safely into the broad world of strength and conditioning. If one focuses solely on this lift, where they strive each week to progress linearly, then all other lifts will linearly progress as well, especially for the novice. However, this lift has to be done properly, and with full range of motion, meaning it cannot be cut short by not dropping down below parallel.The hip drive, or the pull with the hamstrings coming out of the squat hole, is then where the true art of the lift can be found. Since the bar is placed on the lower part of the back, and directly below the spine of the scapula, it allows for a forward lean to take place while the hip drive and hamstring pull take place.This lift strengthens the back and entire posterior chain, along with everything else in the human body. This lift strengthens the mind, as it is a lift that creates toughness, coordination, and obviously confidence. When one travels to the length of being strong in this lift, squatting upwards of four hundred pounds, then an unfolding of confidence, accomplishment, and self worth arises within the participators mind and soul that will be lasting and powerful, for a new memory will have been created--one that will outshine and outlast all others, and will help to make room for more healthy memories.Athleticism is what the low bar back squat offers people--and who doesn't enjoy feeling athletic? The one who has never been or felt athletic--but who now feels athletic, can come to experience a new and improved frame of mind. Now they are running, jumping, picking heavy things up and then putting them over their head; they are now hiking, riding their bike, playing with their kids, and most importantly they are confident in most, if not all, of their physical abilities, which in turn leads them to living a happy, healthy, confident, and physically active life.It's safe to say, then, that the low bar back squat can play a key role in helping those that struggle with addiction by helping them to feel athletic, strong, and better about themselves. The one who is strong physically can be led to being stronger mentally. The confidence from the physical can lead them to finding the necessary motivation to enhance their spiritual and mental selves as well, which makes the low bar back squat the lift of all lifts--in how it can lift the physical, mental, and spiritual.