The Daily Experience 4/3/14

The importance of track work...WAR PROGRAM NOTE: WAR has two group classes-- the first one going from 3-4:30 and the second one going from 5-6:30. For those who have tested into the Life Coach programming -- you are able to participate in the open gym times in the morning 7-11 am, and from 6:30-8 pm. If you have not advanced into the Life Coach program then you can only work-out with a class or when a Life Coach is available to work with you-- or workout with you.. ALSO--BE ON TIME..If you are somebody who's schedule will not work and needs to train in the morning--then talk to WAR Life Coach Spencer Hunsaker or Ben Simms. They both are training in the morning hours..If you think you are ready to test into the Life Coach Program then get with one of the coaches so that they can pass you off. Below are the requirements.CLEAR MOVEMENTSPull-Up (male): 30 UnbrokenPull-Up (women): 20 UnbrokenRing Dips (male): 20 UnbrokenRing Dips (women): 10 UnbrokenHand Stand Push-Ups (male): 15 UnbrokenHand Stand Push-Ups (female): 7 UnbrokenSTRONG MOVEMENTSLow Bar: 1 & 1/2 Body WeightClean: 1 & 1/4 Body WeightSnatch: 3/4 Body WeightStrict Shoulder Press: 3/4 Body WeightBALANCE WORKOUTMale: Row a 2k in under 7:30  Female: Row a 2k Under 8:30**If someone can do most of these movements with the prescribed weight and reps then they will be allowed to participate in the WAR Life Coach Strength & Conditioning Program.. Remote ProgramComplete 5 Rounds For Time:30 Air Squats30 Bench Dips30 Anchored Sit UpsNOTE: Post time completed..B. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you. Student ProgramCLEARA. Ring Plank Hold 1 minute; rest 1 X 4B. 10 KBS + 8-10 Toes2bar x 3 --70%STRONGA. Low Bar: 5 (70), 4 (75), 3 (80), 2-3 (85)B. Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes perform: 3 Low Bar @ 83% (slightly heavier than monday)BALANCEFor Time Complete:"Jackie"Row 1K50 Thrusters (45)30 Pull-UpsSPIRITUAL WORKA. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you. Life Coach ProgramCLEARA. 15 Toes2bar; rest 1 minute X 3B. 10 GHD Sit-Ups; rest 30 seconds X 3STRONGA. 5 Sets Of: Power Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS (Increase in load each set)B. Front Squat: 5 (70), 4 (80), 3 (85), 2-3 (90)C. Low Bar: 8 (65), 6 (75), 4 (85), 3-4 (90)NOTE: Post loads + how this goes..BALANCEA. 4 Rounds for time of:Row 400 Meters10 Power Clean & Jerk (155/115)12 Front Rack Lunges (155/115)NOTE: Post time completed…SPIRITUAL WORKA. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you.