The Daily Experience 6/24/14

Hawk--Clean & Jerk, 2 reps @ 300#REMOTE PROGRAMA. 10 sets of:10 Bench / box jumps (higher the better)Sprint 60 yards (guestimate if needs be) 90 seconds--work on prayer & gratitudeSpiritual WorkA. At night, preferably just before dark and as the light of the day is barely hanging on, go for a 5-10 minute walk in your neighborhood and say a prayer of gratitude. If you have kids, or family, then invite them to come along and have an attitude of gratitude for them. STUDENT PROGRAMClearA. Run for 5 min. @ 70%B. L-Sit, max effort x 3StrongA. Build to a heavy single in the hang snatchB. At 77% of A, complete 15 repsNOTE: Post loads…BalanceFor time complete:100 KBS (70/55)75 Thrusters (bar)50 Pull-Ups25 Box Jumps (24/20)Note: post time completed…Spiritual WorkA. At night, preferably just before dark and as the light of the day is barely hanging on, go for a 5-10 minute walk in your neighborhood and say a prayer of gratitude. If you have kids, or family, then invite them to come along and have an attitude of gratitude for them. LIFE COACH PROGRAMClear3 rounds (not for time):2 TgU's (55/35)8 Toes2bar (slow & controlled--no kipp)14 Calorie Rows (try and get a calorie a pull)StrongA. Shoulder Press: 3 (70), 3 (80). + max effort set @ 90%B. Strict HSPU, max effort x 3NOTE: post loads + repsBalanceFor Time Complete:100 Double Unders5 Burpee Muscle Ups20 Hang Clean Thrusters (135/95)5 Burpee Muscle Ups100 Double UndersNOTE: Post total time completedSpiritual WorkA. At night, preferably just before dark and as the light of the day is barely hanging on, go for a 5-10 minute walk in your neighborhood and say a prayer of gratitude. If you have kids, or family, then invite them to come along and have an attitude of gratitude for them.