The Gym Experience 9/11/14
Come ready to go with all your #'s, and have an idea of how you are going to tackle todays gym experience.REMOTE PROGRAMA. Perform 5 sets for total time of:10 burpee broad jumpsSprint 100 yards (straight line on grass)10 burpee broad 2 minutes (meditate / pray)Note: So you do 10 burpee broad jumps, then sprint 100 meters (guesstimate if need to), then 10 more burpee broad jumps, then rest 2 minutes while meditating and praying.B. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you. STUDENT PROGRAMClear3 rounds @ 85%:10 high wall ballsrun 200 metersNote: be perfect on technique and strict. Also, be better than last week..StrongA. Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes perform: 8 Thrusters (AHAP) + 8 BurpeesNote: challenge yourself on the load....+ post.....B. Dead Lift Session:1) 3 reps @ 70%2) 3 reps @ 80%3) Max Effort Reps @ 90%Note: post loads + how this goes....BalanceComplete 21, 15, 9 of:Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (95/65)KBS (55/35)Pull-UpsNOTE: Post time completed...Spiritual WorkA. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you. LIFE COACH PROGRAMClear3 sets of:10 OHS (clean grip--light)30ft hand stand walk40 double undersStrongA. Split Jerk: 5 tng reps; rest 2 minutes X 3Note: these need be perfect touch and go. Catch it in the rack going down, and then go back into the split. Be better than last week....B. At 85% of A, perform: Max effort touch and go split jerk reps.C. 3 sets of the following couplet:1) 8 Front Squat (3 sec. pause in bottom)…….rest 2 minutes2) 8 Behind the Neck Push Press (clean grip)…….rest 2 minutesNOTE: I’m more concerned with you holding true to the 3 seconds in the bottom than too heavy of a load. Start with a load that you can do perfect, and do the same with the push press. Stick to the rest times, and log…BalanceFor a total time complete:5 rounds of "Cindy"Run 800 meters5 rounds of "Cindy"Run 800 metersNote: post time completed...Spiritual WorkA. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you.