The Gym Experience 9/22/14

Outlaw Camp / SeminarDan and I went to the 3 day Outlaw camp / seminar this past weekend. As many of you know, our gym experience program has been highly influenced by the Outlaw program, which is why we chose to attend this wonderful seminar. Some good changes are going to take place in our gym because of what we learned at the seminar and we are very excited to share it with you.Many, especially those participating in the life coach program, are going to have to back down a bit to make some adjustment. If this is the case for you--then don't worry, because it will only make you better in the long run. This is a sport of constant learning, and I myself am going to have to make some adjustments so that I can continue to linear progress in my lifts.Strength and conditioning is such a good hobby to be in to, and there is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for the sport of CrossFit. If we want to continue to be excited about the hobby of lifting weights and gymnastics, then we have to perfect the technique so that we can keep progressing onward and upward. However, it is you that has to want to get better. If you don't take getting better serious, then you will stay the same--and chances are you will eventually fade away, in which you will no longer be under the protection of the barbell way of life. REMOTE PROGRAMExperience Note: plugged in, and be creative with where you do this experience. Up on a trail would be ideal--and don't be afraid to get your shirt dirty :)A. Perform:Run for 10 minutes50 Air SquatsRun for 10 minutes50 burpeesB. Afterwards, then read for 20 minutes on the site of where you performed the experience. Hopefully you can read on your phone–if not, then bring a book. STUDENT PROGRAMClearA. 5 minute run @ 70%B. 20 High Wall BallsC. 30 burpees @ 85%StrongA. Quickly, build to a tough single in the power cleanB. Front Squat: 3 x 3, AHAP (be better than last week)C. Low Bar Session:1) 5 (75)2) 3 (85)3) 1 (90)4) Every 2 minutes for 8 minutes perform: 3 Low Bar @ 85% + 8 BurpeesNOTE: Post loads + how you do….BalanceA. 3-4 sets for times of:10 Power Cleans (135/95)10 Front Squat (135/95)Run 400 meters…….rest 2 minutesNote: Every set is to be done at 100%. Post 3-4 time + total time with including rests.Spiritual WorkA. At night, preferably just before dark and as the light of the day is barely hanging on, go for a 5-10 minute walk in your neighborhood and say a prayer of gratitude. If you have kids, or family, then invite them to come along and have an attitude of gratitude for them. LIFE COACH PROGRAMProgram Note: De--loading this week. Work on perfect technique....Clear1 set with an empty bar of:5 power pos. shrugs5 power pos. high pulls5 power pos. snatches5 over head squats5 drop snatch5 sots press5 duck hops5 tall snatchStrongA. Hang Snatch (just above knee): 5 x 1 @ 80%B. 3 sets of:B1) 5 TnG Squat Snatch @ 75% of 5rm.…….rest 2 minutesB2) Max Effort Timed Plank Hold-45lbs placed on hips (not push up position–no sag)…….rest 2 minutesBalance"Open Workout 14.1"10 minute AMRAP of:30 Double Unders15 Power Snatches (75/55)NOTE: Post time completed….Spiritual WorkA. At night, preferably just before dark and as the light of the day is barely hanging on, go for a 5-10 minute walk in your neighborhood and say a prayer of gratitude. If you have kids, or family, then invite them to come along and have an attitude of gratitude for them.