The Daily Experience 10/13/14

My Dance With #250Check out my dance with the bar: doing 5 TnG Power Clean & Push Jerks with 250. Weightlifting is an art form; it's all about efficiency of movement, especially when attempting 5 rep maxes for touch and go reps.My effort was to keep the bar bouncing so that I did not have to work that hard when going into the jerk or when receiving the bar back down into the power position.You have to be able to catch the bar back in the hook grip when going back down into the power position, which is an art in itself. From overhead, you bring it back down into the front rack position with an absorption coming from the softening of the knees but on the balls of your feet so that a bounce will then occur, making the transition into the hook grip possible and fluent.Then when coming back up for another rep out of the power position, we then catch it in the same rack position as we did when bringing it down, and with having the same absorption and bounce for when going into the jerk. REMOTE PROGRAMExperience Note: plugged in, and be creative with where you do this experience.A. Perform for time:100 Air SquatsRun 800 meters100 Push UpsRun 800 metersB. Afterwards, then read for 20 minutes on the site of where you performed the experience. Hopefully you can read on your phone–if not, then bring a book. STUDENT PROGRAMClearComplete @ 85%: (get loose)Row 200 meters (aggressive pulls)Run 200 meters (stretch it out)15 Slow Goblet Squats (pause and stretch in the bottom)StrongA. Quickly, build to a tough single in the power cleanB. Front Squat Session:1) 3 x 5 pause front squats (3 seconds in bottom); rest 2 minutesC. Low Bar Session:1) Find 10rm (better than last week)2) 10 @ 95% of 10rm3) 10 @ 90% of 10rmNOTE: Post loads + how you do….BalanceA. Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes perform:5 TnG Power Clean & Jerk, AHAP (very challenging reps--build each set.)B. Run 1 mile for timeNote: post load used + how you do.Spiritual WorkA. 5 minute cool down walk — say a prayer. LIFE COACH PROGRAMClearA. Snatch Warm-Up–practice with the bar or 65lbs for 7 minutesStrongA. Pause Snatch (3 count pause at the knee): 5 x 2; rest as neededB. 4 sets of:B1) 3 TnG Snatch (full).…….rest 90 secondsB2) 60 seconds ME strict toes2bar…….rest 90 secondsC. Max Effort Unbroken TnG Snatch (full) @ 75% of todays 3rm.BalanceEMOM for 12 minutes:10 Wall Balls (20/14)......In the remainder of each minute performME BurpeesNote: Score is total burpeesSpiritual WorkA. 5 minute cool down walk — say a prayer