The Daily Experience 11/11/14
Mona snatching #120 from the blocks.
Alex again--snatch #210 from the blocks--UNREAL
Gage--#180 from the blocks. Huge PR for him.
REMOTE PROGRAMA. Complete:5 sets of:10 fast burpeesRun hard for 1 2 minutesB. Say a prayer while cooling down.C. Practice walking on your hands for 10 minutes, or holding a hand stand hold. STUDENT PROGRAMClear3 rounds (not for time) of:10 Strict HSPU10 Goblet Squats--heavy1 Minute Plank HoldStrongA. Power Position Clean (full): 4 x 5 --build to 5RMB. Push Press Session:1) Find 10RM2) 10 reps @ 95% of 10RM3) 10 reps @ 90% of 10RMNOTE: Post loads...Balance4 sets for times of:Row 500 meters10 Power Clean & push Jerk (135/95)15 2 minutesNote: post team name + time. Best team wins something specialSpiritual WorkA. Say a prayer while cooling down LIFE COACH PROGRAMClearA. 10 minutes of skill work/mobilityStrongA. Clean from blocks (just above knee): 5 x 1 — work to a max single in 5 sets.B. Split Jerk from blocks: 5 x 1 — work to a max single in 5 sets.C. 4 sets of:C1) 3 paused Clean pulls (3 count at knee–heaviest possible)…….rest 90 secondsC2) 3 Push Press + Hold (3 count lock out overhead)…….rest 90 secondsNote: Post loads and how you felt.Balance4 rounds for total working time:5 Power Snatches (135/95)7 Target Burpees 12"9 Bar Muscle-Ups7 Target Burpees5 Power Snatches (135/95)…….rest 2 minutes(outlaw emphasis)Spiritual WorkA. Say a prayer while cooling down.