The Daily Experience 12/30/14

Inspirational MoviesI watched Rudy last night--and what an inspirational film that is. I watched Forest Gump the night before that, and realized that by me watching inspirational movies caused me to feel good about things, so as of currently I'm on an inspirational movie kick.Everyone thought Forest Gump was a dumb man, when in reality he had the special gift of being able to see God's hand in everything, which the surrounding world could not understand. The world could never touch him because all he could see was the spiritual. What a gift he had. Can you imagine if all we could see was the spiritual? There would be no comparisons with others, or prideful contentious thinking. There would be no worries within us; we would carry the type of faith that all would be well with us so long as we live a life full of clarity and charity.I'm recommending these two movies over the next week (Forest Gump & Rudy). Give them a watch and then post or email me what you've learned, or if you come to WAR then lets talk about them. The music in these two movies is powerful as well.Make it happen, REMOTE PROGRAMA. Jog on a treadmill for 20 minutes (5.0 pace).......then walk for 10 minutes (meditate / prayer)--then do B.B. For Time: 30 burpees + 50 bench dipsC. Read on site of experience for 20 minutes STUDENT PROGRAMClearA. Max Double Unders in 3 minutes…….rest exactly 1 minute and do BB. 35 Wall Balls (throw high & unbroken)StrongA. Power Position Clean (full): 3 x 3 –build to 3RMB. Clean (full): 3 x 5; rest 2 min. (not TnG–drop each set, build each set / log; perfect reps)C. Push Press Session (week 2):1) Find 3RM2) 3 reps @ 95% of 5RM3) 3 reps @ 90% of 5RMNOTE: Post loads…BalanceA. For Time Complete:50 Shoulder2Overhead (135/95)--from rack50 Burpee Bar Hops50 Dead Lifts (135/95)50 Wall Balls–10/8 ft (20/14)Note: Post total time that it took you to complete A, B, & C.Spiritual WorkA. Say a prayer while cooling down LIFE COACH PROGRAMClearA. 10 minutes of skill work/mobilityStrongA. EMOM for 7 Min: 3 UB T&G C&J (build each set--perfect reps)B. 4 sets of:3 Front squat (sets across) 90 secondsME Strict + Kipping HSPU' 90 secondsNote: Post loads and how you felt.BalanceA. For Time:100 Double Unders15 PS (115/80)50 Double 3 minutesB. 12 min. AMRAP of:50 calorie rows40 box jump overs (24/20)30 Deads (225/150)20 Bar Muscle UpsNote: Post rounds / reps....(outlaw emphasis)Spiritual WorkA. Say a prayer while cooling down.