The Daily Experience 5/21/15
Remote ProgramA. AMRAP in 10 minutes of: 15 burpees + run 100 meters + 15 Air Squats + Run 100 metersB. Read for 25 minutes in some place that is unique + take a picture. Student Program (phase 2: wk 2)Clear4 sets of:30 UB Double Unders + 4-8 weighted Pull-Ups (adv. weighted)…….rest 90 secondsNote: Be better than last week...StrongA. Snatch (Full): build to tough single (not 1rm). Find 3rm. 1×3@95%, 1×3@90% (not Tng.)–advanced only..B. EMOM for 5 minutes perform: 2 Snatch (try TnG) @ 85% (3RM)–advanced only.C. Dead lift: 3@70, 3@80, ME@90%.BalanceA. Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes: 3 Pos. Clean (full- top down--2 from each position) @ 60% (1RM).......then after completion of A, rest 2 minutes and do B.B. AMRAP in 7 minutes: 15 KBS (70/55)+ Run 200m. + 15 burpeesNote: post time completed….