The Daily Experience 6/5/15

Remote ProgramNote: Be creative. Switch up terrain, and travel somewhere unique and that promotes nostalgia.A. 5 min. run + 50 air squats x 3B. 100 walking lunges as fast as possibleC. Read for 20 minutes Student Program (phase 2: wk 4--deload)Clear5 sets of:15 GHD Sit-Up + 6-10 HSPU…….rest 90 secondsNote: Post #’sStrongA. Front Squat:4-5 x 5 @ 80% (5Rm)B. Push Press: 4-5 x 5 @ 80% (arm)Note: log all #’s + detailed notes…BalanceA. Tabata Sit-Ups--4 minutes (anchored)B. 30 minute jog @ z1 pace (plugged in, be creative of where you travel. Switch up terrain: from road, to grass, to gravel, etc. Work on meditative thought and prayer along the way.C. Send out a text of gratitude to someone.Note: log how all of this goes...