The Daily Experience 6/8/15
Dan Palmer #225--WAR Life Coach / Program DirectorThis video was shot of Dan over a year and a half ago at the club. It's safe to say that his clean has far changed for the better since then, however, this is still an impressive clean at #225.I'll say it again, not one person that I have ever worked with since starting WAR has made the type of change that Dan has: mentally, spiritually, and physically. He started out as a student and has successfully made his way to becoming a WAR life coach and program director. He does so much for WAR, for so very little in return. It's funny how God works. Dan came into WAR for me to help him, but now he helps me each and every day to keep things in order. I'm so thankful for this dude. I tell him this all the time, but I could not do WAR without him; and more importantly, WAR would not be what it is today were it not for Dan.And lastly, don't piss him off :) Remote ProgramA. 5 min. warm-up jog (prayer / gratitude)B. For time complete: 300 Jumping Jacks + 50 burpees + 300 Jumping JacksC. 5 min. cool down jog (prayer / gratitude)D. Read for 25 minutes on site (spiritual read) Nice work to all who have been diligently following the student strength cycle. We are entering the final 4 weeks of the program, with the last week being a de-load. Lets go hard these last weeks and set some PR's. Make sure your nutrition is dialed, and that you're getting the right amount of sleep.Student Program (phase 3: wk 1)Clear5 sets of:30 UB Double Unders + 14 UB Pull-Ups (Adv. Butterfly being efficient)…….rest 90 secondsNote: log how your pull-ups are progressing.Strong (Phase 3: wk 1)A. Split Jerk: build to tough single (not 1rm). Find 2rm. 1×2@95%, 2×2@90% (adv. only)B. Clean (full): build to tough single (not 1rm). Find 2rm. 1×2@95%, 2×2@90% (not Tng.)C. EMOM for 5 minutes perform: 2 cleans (try TnG) @ 85% (2RM).Note: log all #’s + detailed notes…BalanceOn an 11 minute clock perform:Row 2K @ 100% effortMax reps power snatch (115/75) with remaining time...Note: log how many power snatch you get...