The Daily Experience 10/16/15

An old picture WAR LC Client Cj (left) and LC Nick. This is back when CJ just got here from Wyoming to experience WAR. He has since graduated from the program and is back out on the oil fields as a pipe line welder doing good as ever, and still sober. Cj is hands down one of the toughest dudes I've ever met. After his job is done on the pipe, then he is coming back out here to WAR to further his training. I'm thankful for this dude and for Nick. Weight TrainingA. Snatch Pull + PS + SS: 50, 60, 70, 75 x 2.B. OHS: 50, 60, 70, 75 x 2.C. 3 Lunges (bar on back, 3 ea. leg. 1rm clean): 50, 60, 70, 75 x 2.(OBB, Dave Flemming) "A Good Amount Of Work"A. 3 sets of:20 UB KBS (70/55)50 Yd. Prowler Push (heavy--25 out, 25 back)20 UB Wall 5 min.B. 3 sets of:AMRAP in 3 min. of:5 Toes2Bar5 5 min.