Hello again, friend, it’s your other friend from the shadows.

The detox experience was interesting, student. You went in on my Kratom monster and came out with his friend, Subs. They have a lot in common because they are often called harm reduction. You can’t beat the craving, so you go on the subs. But isn’t Kratom less complicated than Bupe? I love how you walk around all day with no drive. You seem irritable and less bright. You can’t feel my opponent’s light anymore, can you? The fear of never being yourself bothers you, doesn’t it, student?

It’s as if God and I have you walking the tightrope of life. You stay on his sturdy foundation for a time, but then one of my lies gets you, and you come over to my side. But aren’t you starting to recognize that God never leaves your side?

I’m the easy way, but it often goes in a hard direction. I’m easy on the front end, but hard on the back end.

When down in the shadows, you have been struggling to connect to God. He is either everything or nothing, student. You go on the subs because of fear. You can’t beat a craving right now, so what’s the plan?

The sweaty and irritable subs with the raspy voice and the pin-needle eyes—do kill the cravings—but don’t lead to an abundant life either.

You seem to be there, but they can tell. Your wife can tell from your lack of interest and periodic nodding while at the baseball game with her.

I like this drug for you because it keeps you safe. Look at you, student, you haven’t moved an inch. The Kratom Monster is there waiting to help you FEEL FREE, and you haven’t even come close to using him. You can live a productive life inside this style of health. You will get by—but not really move either. You will sit inside complacency, and what’s wrong with that?

You need a break, student; you have been working hard for many years, and maybe it’s time you listen to your new SUBS—titute. Let’s see which direction this leads you—there is sure to be some knowledge gained inside this experience.

It hurts to come off the subs, as you are currently finding out. My opponent’s light got shined in the cannabis medical direction. In the past, you’ve used cannabis to help you get off Percocet, and it worked. Didn’t it help you to get off all the prescription medication?

I guess I like your move, but my opponent’s light can get to you when you are on cannabis. However, I can still wait patiently and keep you chained to my very good friend, weed. The problem with weed is that there is too much light for me, so I get irritated when my students get involved with Him. He often makes them forget about opiates, which is where my influence is most experienced.

Harm reduction is true! And I can always flip the script on who you think you should be. Should you be one way, or the other? But what about the middle path? What does this middle path look like and how much of God dwells there?

But what you fail to see and recognize is that God is always with you because He’s already done it all for you. He competed through your shadows so that He would become competent enough to help you when it was your turn to travel through them. I laugh, but also recognize how much you are beginning to understand about this truth. There are small glimpses of you forgiving yourself, and that makes me wonder if I need to switch up my approach.

Your longtime friend,

The Devil

Dustin Hawkins