Friday Black Session Week 5
"A New Life"
WAR WorkoutMax rounds in 3 minutes of:Power cleans 3 reps (135,115)Push-ups 6 RepsAir Squats 9 RepsRest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.Note: One partner will do the entire workout, while the other one talks him through it.WAR Weekend AssignmentThis weekend I want you to spend time with the people you love. I want you to pick someone that is very special to you. This could be you’re Mom, Dad, Wife, Best Friend, etc. Talk to them in a very personal way. Tell them how much they mean to you and how much you love them. Ask them if they have noticed any changes about you – if so, what are they? Tell them about your WAR experience and the lifestyle it promotes. Have a deep meaningful conversation.Journal Title: Communication & the Role it Will Play in my Life.“Make this happen - I know this might be a tough exercise for a lot of you, but force yourself to do it, a magical experience is waiting to take place”