Monday Black Session Week 6

"Crooked Path"

WAR WorkoutA1. Front Squat 5 Reps (225,205,185,155) X 5 Rest 1 minuteA2. Single leg KB lunges 8 reps per leg (55,35)(Slow and controlled reps. Do all eight reps on one leg & then switch) X 5 Rest 1 minuteA3. Ring Dips 10-20 reps X 5 Rest 1 minuteA4. Bent Over Barbell Rows 10 Reps (155,135,115,95) X 5 Rest 1 MinuteNOTE: Make sure you log your loads in your Journal. Highlighted in bold are the RX'd Loads. Scale as necessary.ClassroomA. Weekend Assignment Discussion. Goal of the assignment was to get you to open up and talk to someone in a very sincere personal way. Assignment was to get you out of your comfort zone and to really open up.

“Be open and communicate with the people you love, it feels good to talk about the things that are bothering you.  It feels good to get things off of your chest”

B. By being a strong communicator we learn something about ourselves.  We learn how to be open and communicate confidently, which in turn leads to Leadership qualities. As our mindset continues to change we start becoming a leader, instead of a follower.

Journal Title: Being a Leader & the Role it Will Play in My Life

“People everywhere are looking for someone to follow—for someone to lead them. A leader is a person who goes ahead of others to direct or guide them or to show them how to do something. Leaders not only tell others what to do and how to do it, they also show them by example. Leaders help others grow”