The last three weeks or so he has been waking up with poor thinking. Getting out of bed seems to be a task in itself, because for whatever reason not a single positive thought is flowing into his mind. The cold winter weather doesn’t seem to be helping much, for all he sees is grey. He still seems to be productive throughout the day; however it’s a constant battle to find happiness. The people who surround him are constantly asking if he’s okay, because he seems like he’s down and depressed all of the time. He try’s to make it appear as if nothings wrong, but the constant search for happiness taking place in his mind becomes visible to all. There are times throughout the day where the happiness does creep back into his mind, and his mood flips quickly into a positive direction, but even when that happens people make comments like: “Wow, what happened to you, you’re in a good mood now, you’re never in a good mood.” The comments frustrate him because he just wants to be normal like everyone else, but for whatever reason he can’t – happiness just doesn’t seem to come that easy to him.He has been doing well as far as clarity goes. For an entire season it seems as if The Dragon has left him alone; or has he been leaving him alone?The Dragon is so sly and deceitful in his ways - that he’s taking a new approach in getting him to fail. The Dragon has now teamed up with Depression in hopes of leading His client back to Addiction. The Dragon intensely fuels depressive thinking into his clients mind, hoping that it will cause him to feel as if there is absolutely no hope in finding happiness through a clear lens. The Dragon is counting on Depression working for Him; His plan is to use Depression in hopes of it eventually feeding his other colleague, Addiction. The Dragon, through the use of Depression, wants to make his client feel so bad about things, that eventually he’ll just quit and go back to his old way of life. Then when the Dragons plan succeeds, and Addiction is finally fed, His hope is that Addiction will work right along side with his colleague Depression, where they will feed each other; therefore becoming a complete team of three, hoping to once again create a viscous cycle of torment for their client.-Hawk