Weekend Experience
Low Bar
A. Find your 1RM in the Back Squat (Advanced Only). Feel out how your body feels. If you feel good, then go for it. Make sure you have a spotter. +B. Bench Press 5 Reps x 3; rest 2 minutes (Heavier than Wednesday - 3 sets across; advanced only) +C. Run a 5K (conversation pace). Make this a spiritual experience where you direct thoughts towards charity. Perform Saturday or Sunday. +D. Give something up this weekend. Sacrifice something for the greater good. Sacrifice time by helping someone, donate money to a charity, lend your car to someone, offer to share something with someone, sacrifice your routine by doing something with someone you love – movie, bowling, bookstore, Etc. +E. Re-evalute your nutrition. Make some changes if you must. If your nutrition isn't dialed in then it would be hard to follow this program, as the workouts are intense and require proper nutrition. Without proper nutrition, proper recovery won't take place. Re-evaluate your nutrition, and set some goals for yourself. NOTE: This is a weekend experience, so the experience can be done both Saturday and Sunday. Look at it like a weekend experience where you try to fit all aspects of it in somehow over the weekend. For the advanced, find a gym and and make the Back Squat and Bench Press happen. Look for the experience in going to a unique gym.