The Disciplined Disciple

The Disciplined Disciple

Dustin Hawkins

You wake up bright and early every morning. The first thing you do is get in the shower in an effort to wake yourself up, and start getting your mind right for the day. In the shower you direct your thoughts towards prayer. You think about your prayer the night before, and look to make this Morning Prayer in the shower an extension of it. You direct your thinking towards the things that you’re thankful for, and then you thank God for those things.After your morning shower you cook a healthy breakfast that consists of the proper balance of carbohydrates, fat, and protein. This particular morning you cooked four scrambled eggs with sliced up red peppers and mushrooms mixed about. While eating, you read your spiritual book, picking up where you left off the night before. This book, and the concepts thereof, provide you with a strong spiritual foundation as you look to start a new day; it has become a morning must read for you, and an extension of your nightly read. You’ve found that this book helps your day to go smoother; and that the days you don’t show discipline by not waking up an hour earlier to read are the days you seem to struggle the most, therefore, this book has become a staple in your life.After reading for roughly thirty-minutes you retire to your spot to pray once again. This spot is your prayer spot; it’s the spot where you get down on your knees and ask for help in managing your addictive behavior; you pray, asking God to help you with all of your weaknesses, and to assist you in becoming the disciple you so passionately are striving to become.After the prayer, your grab a handful of almonds to eat on the road – along with your daily snacks and lunch, which you thoughtfully prepared the night before, and consist of: Almonds, apples, turkey, turkey jerky, hardboiled eggs, and sliced red bell peppers – all of which are organized into a clear plastic zip lock bag, and are ready for the taking.You get to work and feel refreshed, ready to take on all that the day has to offer. At 10:30 you have your first snack, which consists of: 2 hardboiled eggs, 12 almonds, and a few sliced red bell pepper pieces. You feel great after this snack. You almost feel like you’re high. You feel like your mind and body are working well together because of the nutritional and spiritual component you have so diligently prescribed yourself. You can feel a sense of spirituality about you, which drives you to make good decisions on how you speak, and even act. You know that if you aren’t in line with Gods ways that this wonderful sense of spirituality will eventually diminish, causing you to feel empty and incomplete. The nutrition feeds this spiritual component in that you are now focused on putting healthy, natural substances into your body; whereas, for so long before you were only focused on fake worldly substances, therefore driving any hope of spirituality straight from your heart. You have felt this incredible change come over you, and are now determined to further examine what this new way of life has to offer.You eat lunch around 12:30, in which you enjoy a Grilled Chicken salad with vegetables scattered a top. After eating – you have about 30 minutes remaining on your lunch break in which you choose to further your reading concerning spiritual matters. Your lunch time book is different than that of the morning, however, just as thought provoking and powerful. The afternoon at work goes great; you don’t feel tired around that 2 o’clock hour anymore, and seem to be productive longer as the day progresses. You seem to be able to stay on task longer, and are less irritable when dealing with challenging work items.Around 3:30 you have your mid afternoon snack, which consists of: 2 pieces of turkey Jerky, 12 Almonds, and an apple. You feel great, and are getting ready for the work day to end and the physical workout to begin. You can’t wait to go to the gym and experience success through a workout. You can’t wait to get your endorphins rolling; and to challenge yourself both physically and mentally, hoping and looking to improve upon your strength and endurance levels. You are confident that you are going to have a good gym experience because you are properly fueled to do so.You are now leaving work – and on your way to the gym. You don’t need to go home and change because you have prepared a gym bag with all of the necessary gear and clothing to insure a good – efficient gym experience without having to waste precious time by running home first. There is only one stop you need to make, and that is to your spot of solitude where you pray; and once again, thank God for the incredible blessings and talents He has so willingly granted you, and to further assist you in overcoming your weakness for the substances of this world.The Gym experience goes great, where you even set a few personal records. Directly following the workout you drink a recovery shake in which you prepared the night before. You felt incredible during the workout, and you feel even more incredible now. You feel like you’ve accomplished something, and you did. You hang around the gym afterwords, looking for opportunities to help others along with their experience. You want them to see, andexperience the new way of life that you’re now experiencing; therefore, you have become a great influence on many people because of your new found ability to communicate such deep and important topics. Not only are you helping them to see a new way through the Gym Experience, but you’re helping them to see a new way outside of the gym experience as well. You’re helping them to gain an understanding in regards to the role that the Invisible Hand can play in their own life, and the magical relationship between the mind, body, and spirit. You’ve become a true disciple because of this lifestyle you have so passionately sought out, in which you are determined to share your understanding concerning this new healthy way of life.After the gym, you go home and your dinner consists of: vegetables, fish, guacamole, and whole milk. You feel great after getting out of the shower; and after some much needed lounging around the house, watching TV, and just kind of kicking back, you begin to prepare for the next days experience. You always make extra dinner, where you use the leftovers for the following day’s breakfast, snack, or even sometimes lunch.After you get done preparing for the next days adventure, you start getting ready for bed. You pick up your morning and night spiritual book and read for thirty minutes, followed then by a protein shake that consists of: whole milk, almond butter, vanilla protein powder, ice, and a banana. You close the night off with a sincere prayer, thanking God for the wonderful day that He has so graciously provided you with. You ask Him to continue on in blessing and helping you to overcome your weaknesses for the substances of this world; and to continue on in helping you in your pursuit to further becoming a disciplined disciple in the game of life.