Depression is a Spiritual Disease

Depression is a Spiritual Disease

 Dustin Hawkins

Depression is a spiritual disease in that if you believe that there's a WAR taking place behind the scenes of life between good and evil; or The Dragon and The Invisible Hand, then you will come to see that Depression is in fact a spiritual disease and disorder.

John the Revelatory wrote concerning the WAR:

"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,"And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven."And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him."Since the fall of Adam, man became susceptible to the Dragons ways and world, which His world happens to be this earth. A third of the hosts of men chose the Dragons prideful ways, and were cast out of heaven, being left to reside on this earth; and even bodiless. "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time."We, on the other hand, agreed to participate in the Invisible Hands plan, which was to populate this earth as imperfect human beings where we would have no such remembrance of our pre-mortal existence, since a veil had been placed over our minds; therefore making life a most challenging test.We as imperfect human beings have been put on this earth to be tested, for life is a learning experience. Just like in school we are tested; we are also tested on how we do in the game of life. Just as in our careers we are expected to perform; we are also expected to perform in the game of life. This life is a proving ground; however, we as human beings are full of holes and weaknesses, and the Dragon knows this all to well, since we live within his world. Just like the white man when first discovering the new world – when finding out that the Indians had a weakened immune system for catching their common colds and sicknesses; so to has the Dragon found out about each and every one of our personal weaknesses, and where and when we are most likely to get sick.Depression creeps into our minds often, where we experience sadness and even hopelessness, which then causes us to think about taking or drinking something in hopes of feeling better. We could've been feeling great in the previous weeks, but something changes within an instant, in which our mood can be flipped upside down, then causing us to feel low and hopeless.I believe that this is all a part of the Dragons plan in trying to steal our free agency. He and his legions surround us intensely when we start to do well, in which they fuel depressive thinking into our mind, in hopes of leading us back to our substance of choice, for they know that we as imperfect human beings don't like to feel sad; and that if they can get us to feel sad then they know that we will crave relief through their worldly substances, which are substances that we are already familiar with, therefore - they use our memory against us.The low mood is but an illusion, and if we can fight through this spiritual sickness that often times grabs a hold of us, then we can learn something about ourselves that is of great worth. Depressive days don't really have to be depressive days at all, they can just be different days - where your routine and way of life is different. On these days when you crave escape due to the depressive thinking, don't be afraid to embrace such thinking, where you search for a higher meaning of life through fervent prayer, meditation, reading, writing, and scripture study. These are powerful tools for the depressed mind in that they feed powerful concepts into the depressed mind. Because of the belief that depression is a spiritual disease, what better way to fight off the darkness, then by studying the lightness. By studying the gospel of Christ during times of low thinking - one can truly gain a testimony of Him, for when we are in our lows we are more open to receiving insight and inspiration from on high, since we are desperate at the time; and even hoping and praying that He will help us to make the right decision. Christ's Gospel can feel that ever-present void, helping us to get our mind back on track - then leading us to feeling peaceful once again.During days when the mind is rainy, search for answers and understanding through Christ's gospel. There is no need to lift your mood through a quick fix, since this way is only short lived, and but temporary pleasure that will only lead to further depressive thinking. I've actually come to embrace my days of lowness. On these days I study the words of God with a passion, and my prayers take on a whole new meaning. My prayers on these days are with a real intent to communicate my heart and soul, since my heart and soul feel wounded. As the day progresses - then so does my mood, and when I finally come out of the darkness and back into the lightness, I have learned a great deal, not only about myself, but also concerning the healing powers and prowess of the great Invisible Hand, then leaving me with a stronger testimony and an increase in faith.