Gym Experience


A. For Time Complete:10 Turkish Get Ups + 50 Toes2Bar + 10 Turkish Get UpsNOTE: Use 55/35lb KB on the TGU's. Tip: follow the weight up with you eyes on the TGU's, keeping an active shoulder. Scale as necessary, novice do 10 TGU's total, and scale the toes2bar to 30, and even perform knees2Elbows.       +B. 3 sets of:5 Heavy Bent Over Barbell Rows + 25 Fast Box Jumps; rest 2 minutesNOTE: Challenge yourself on the loading (form permitting), and the box jumps should be done fast, crisp, and if you can-Unbroken. Use a 20" box. Time each set + Log load.       +C. ForTime Complete:30 Pull Ups + Run 400 Meters + 25 Pull Ups + Run 400 Meters + 20 Pull UpsNOTE: Advanced-try to do this Unbroken. Log time completed.       +D. Cool down outside of the gym, while walking and getting lost in prayer + meditative thought. Analyze how you did on the workout, and even be thankful for the workout, then directing your thoughts intensely towards gratitude.       +E. WAR Concept: Something happens to an individual when they push themselves physically past a limit they, themselves, never thought was possible. Life is a chipper, just as with these workouts we chip away. It's the same concept in life; we just keeping chipping away, striving to live a clear life, free from the worldly temptations.Fear is but an allusion, and does nothing more than hold us back from being who we can be in this life. Don't be afraid to change; and don't let anything get in your way, or even hold you back from making that change. Just keep chipping away, fearless in your efforts, and determined to make something of yourself.Write about this concept, and then email me what you wrote: