Gym Experience

A New Way of Life

A. For Time Complete:25 Burpees + 25 Ring Dips + 25 HSPUNOTE: You have to go in order, finishing one 25 reps before moving on to the other. Scale HSPU's with strict shoulder press.       +B. 4 Sets of: 3 TnG Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks + 3 Front Squat; rest 1 minuteNOTE: Novice: just do push press. Log loads used. Go heavy if you are advanced. If you can go up in weight during the rest, then do so. Challenge yourself for all four sets      +C. 3 Rounds for time:Row 400 Meters + Row 400 MetersNOTE: Log time completed.      +D. Go for a 5 minute cool down walk while directing your thoughts towards gratitude and thanksgiving. Analyze how you feel after the workout.