Gym Experience
Creative High
CLEARA. 5 Sets of: 12 Toes2Bar + 20 Ring Dips; rest 1 minuteNOTE: Shoot for UnbrokenSTRENGTHA. 1 Power Snatch; rest 1 minute X 4 @ 65%; 1 Power Snatch; rest 1 minute X 4 @ 70%; 1 Power Snatch; rest 1 minute X 4 @ 75%; NOTE: Base your percentage off of the single you built to on Tuesday. You do all four reps at the same percentage and then you move onto the next 4 reps at a higher percentage. You rest exactly one minute after every single. +B. 5 Snatch High Pulls; Rest 2 Minutes X 3NOTE: Go heavy; heavier than your snatch of course since we are working on the strength off the pull. +C. 4 Back Squat (Low Bar); rest 2 minutes X 4NOTE: 80% of your 1 RM. If you don't know your 1RM base it off effort, or base it off a rough guesstimate.CONDITIONINGA. AMRoundsAP in 10 Minutes of:10 Burpees + 30 Double Unders + 10 Wall BallsNOTE: Scale double Unders with singles; however, if you don't have double Unders you need to get them.+WAR CONCEPT: Intensity & ReverenceOur addiction wants us laughing always; and being loud always, because that would mean that there would be no reverence about us, which reverence is the tool that keeps our personalities at bay. When we aren't intense in our ways, or are not reverent in our behavior, then we run the risk of letting our personalities get too far away from us. If our personalities get too far away from us then our addiction gets closer to us, and even gains momentum as she creeps back into our mind. We as addicts must be slow and simple individuals, where we carry a unique reverence and intensity about us always. Not an overbearing intensity, nor a cocky character; but a reverence and quiet confidence that emulates a spiritual character, which is a character that is honest and full of charity.Write about, and even discuss this concept