Weekend Experience
A1. Run for 5 minutes – slow/medium pace. Carry a prayer of gratitude in your head for the entire 5 minutes. Pray about all of the things you are thankful for; and even all of the people in your life that you are thankful for. Be creative of where you run. +A2. Run for 30 seconds @ 90% Effort; jog/walk for 30 seconds X 20 +A3. Run for 5 minutes – slow/medium pace. Extend upon your first prayer. Don’t be repetitive. Your second prayer should be different than your first. Get lost in gratitude, but don’t be repetitive. +B. Read for 20 minutes X 6 over the weekend; or a total of 90 minutes. You could switch off between books. Example: Scripture study X 3. Biography/Inspiration Book X 3. +C. Try to have a good meaningful conversation with someone this weekend. Not a text, an actual conversation.