Weekend Experience

 Active In the Winter

A. 100 Burpees For Time       rest 2 hoursB. 150 Anchored Sit Ups For Time       rest 2 hoursC. Go be active outside intensely. If it's cold, then dress warm-and go outside and be active physically, and with an intensity. Go snowshoeing, do sprints, chop wood, shovel your driveway, walk in the snow, sprint in the snow, etc. Think outside the box and be creative. And while doing this, as always, get lost in meditative thought and prayer. Look to experience the spiritual along with the physical, and try to recognize how the two are interrelated.  D. Read for 20 minutes X 6 over the weekend; or a total of 90 minutes. You could switch off between books. Example: Scripture study X 3. Biography/Inspiration Book X 3.NOTE: Don't be casual in you reading. If you are following the WAR program then you must become a reader. If you are not reading, then you are not doing the WAR program correctly since reading is a key component. Be a reader. E. On Sunday, think about spending some good quality time with you family. Maybe go visit someone in your family that you haven't seen in a while. Challenge yourself to go have a good, charitable conversation. And then I want you to write about the weekend experience in its entirety. Write about how the physical and the spiritual went, and then even compare the two. If you feel compelled to do so, email me what you wrote: dustin@workoutaddictionrecovery.com