Gym Experience
GYM EXPERIENCE NOTE: Last week of this cycle. We will back off next week, and then go in another direction the following week. If you weren't all that committed these last 8 weeks then recommit to this next cycle of training. A lot of people have made some incredible strength gains. Pictures and statistics to come later this week. For those that aren't doing very good with their addiction; come let the WAR gym experience help you. If you commit to four nights a week then I can promise you that you will start pointing your addiction into the right direction again. It's not just about showing up and going through the motions, but it's getting involved in the gym experience, where you are constantly trying to improve at the sport of strength and conditioning. Engulf yourself in the Art of Strength & Conditioning, and recommit to living the WAR lifestyle. -Thanks. CLEAR3 Sets (not for time) of:12 CTB Pull Ups + 60-90 Second Hand Stand Hold + 50 Double UndersNOTE: Work on mechanics and technique of CTB pull up…STRONGA. Split Jerk 3,2,2,1,1,1,1NOTE: Start at 60% and work your way up to 90+. Log loads. BALANCE6 sets for max reps of:45 seconds strict HSPU rest 1545 seconds strict pull ups rest 1545 seconds strict ring dips rest 15 secondsNOTE: Log total reps. Scores to beat: Kyle Boyer CFD - 214 reps, Blake Bastian CFTClub - 227 reps.