Remote Experience
Experience 200 Yard Grass Sprints
AMA. Upon waking up perform 25 Burpees + Jog for 10 minutes + 25 Burpees. Work on gratitude/prayer/meditation. B. Read for 20-30 minutes and then write about what you read. (I'm promoting scripture study but if thats not your thing then read something that is going to assist you in the learning of the spiritual)C. Pray + Ponder/meditatePM (Around 6:00 PM)A. 10 minute warm up jog + prayer/meditative thought. Be appreciative of the night.B. On a big body of grass perform: 6-200 yard (guesstimate) straight away sprints; rest is walk back + prayer.NOTE: While walking back get lost in thoughts of gratitude and prayer. Notice the beauty of the night. C. Before bed read for 30 minutes + write about remote experience + pray/meditate before bed. Email me what you wrote: