Gym Experience

WAR Classroom: Me (Dustin Hawkins) Presenting "New Memories" concept...

CLEARA. 7-10 Minute Warm-up. Get physically and mentally (practice focused meditative thought) ready for the WAR gym experience. B. 3 sets (not for time) of:60 Second Hand Stand Holds + 15 High Wall Balls + Work on Butterfly/kipp pull-up for 10 reps or soSTRONGA. EMOM for 7 Minutes: 2 Power Clean (80% of 1RM) + 6 BurpeesB. Low Bar: 5 (75%), 3 (85%), 1 (90%). + 5 Reps @ 85% x 3. NOTE: Log loads and how this goes...BALANCEA. 3 sets for times of:8 Thrusters (95/65) + 30 Box Jumps (24/20) + 8 Thrusters (95/65); rest 3 minutesNOTE: Log 3 times...B. Cool Down: stretch/mobility/jog/walk + practice focused meditative thought. Look to analyze how your mood is after completing a workout such as this. Write about the entire gym experience. Log all of your loads and times. How did you feel on this day? What do you need to work on? Be detailed in your journaling..