The Daily Experience 1/23/14

WAR CONCEPT: The Power of Addiction and the Addiction of Power by: Dr. Gabor Mate....Take some time to watch this video; it's very interesting. Post about what you thought...Remote ProgramA. Row a 5K for time, or if you don't have a rower then run a 5k for time..During throughout, however, work on gratitude and prayer while also not letting your mind get the best of you when it tells you to quit. Push on, and endure through it.Post how this goes for you..B. Read for 25 minutes just before going to bed + pray and meditate for 5 minutes. This could just mean that you sit in a quiet area for a brief time, where you think about all of things you are thankful for.Prayer is gratitude... Student ProgramCLEARA. Dynamic Warm-Up (Get loose by performing in the movements)B. EMOM for 10 minutes perform: 6-8 Pull-UpsNOTE: Post how B goesSTRONGA. 5 Front Squat + 10-15 Supine Ring Pull-Ups; rest 2 minute X 4NOTE: Need to be four work sets. So warm-up to where you are going to begin and then begin.. Post loads.....BALANCE4 Sets of:Row 300 Meters15 Wall Balls10 Burpeesrest 3 minutesNOTE: Post four times....These are to be done at 100% effort... Life Coach ProgramCLEARDynamic Warm-Up (perform in the movements)STRONGA. In 10 minutes, build to a tough single in the Power SnatchBALANCE (Invictus)A. For times, against a running clock:Row 500 Meters + 10 Power Snatch + 20 Toes2barwhen clock reaches 8:00, complete the following...Row 500 meters + 15/10 Bar Muscle Ups + 30 Shoulder2Overhead (155/105)when clock reaches 16:00, complete the following....Row 500 Meters + 20 Toes2Bar + 40 HSPUwhen the clock reaches 24, complete the following...Row 500 Meters + 25 Over the Erg + 50 Ring DipsNOTE: Post 4 times + how this went for you + loads..SPIRITUAL WORKRead for 25 minutes just before going to bed + pray and meditate for 5 minutes. This could just mean that you sit in a quiet area for a brief time, where you think about all of things you are thankful for.Prayer is gratitude...