The Daily Experience 1/24/14
Experience the mountains in the winter.....Remote ProgramA. Jog for 10 minutes (work on gratitude/prayer)+B. 4 sets @ 90% of:10 Ketllebell or Dumbbell swings (55/35)15 Thruster (65/45)15 Push-UpsRow 200 Metersrest actively for 3 minutes...C. Send out a quick text telling someone how thankful you are for them... Student ProgramCLEARA. 3 Rounds @ 80%: 25 Sit-Ups + 5 Burpee Broad JumpsSTRONGA. 3 Power Clean & Jerk; rest 2 minutes X 5NOTE: Build each set -- work on technique (split/power jerk). Post how this goes + loading...B. 5 sets of:5 Close Grip Bench + 20 Double Undersrest 2 minutesNOTE: Build each set, post loads...BALANCEA. KBS Breathing Ladder. Complete 1-20 and then 20-1.1 KBS1 Breath2 KBS2 Breathand so on and so forth.......NOTE: Post how this goes....B. Directly after, send out a quick text telling someone how thankful you are for them... Life Coach ProgramCLEARA. Dynamic Warm-UpB. In four sets or less, perform 100 wall balls. Each time you drop the ball you must rest exactly a 1 minute. Post your rep scheme and how many sets it takes you + time.....STRONGA. Based on your strength--pick a rep scheme, 10, 12, or 15 TnG reps and perform a 225 lb dead lift, then resting 2 minutes X 4... Whatever scheme you pick then try and stick with it....Post how this goes for you...BALANCEA. 3 sets (not for time) of:10 Bent Over Rows + 10-12 (three count) supine ring pull-ups.NOTE: Three count means three seconds down. Go slow and pause at the top....Post loads and how this goes for you...Challenge yourself on the BOR's...B. Directly after, send out a quick text telling someone how thankful you are for them...