The Daily Experience 3/14/14

The Dead LiftIn life, we have to be able to pick stuff up, and if we find ourselves at some point not being able to-- then we will more than likely be in a wheel chair, which is why we should learn how to pick stuff up properly, and be strong in doing so. I wanna be 85 and still throwing a 60 lb pack on my back and hiking into the back country of Yellowstone with my grand kids, and I will as long as keep staying strong in the low bar and the dead lift.The flabby posterior chain is not what we promote having in WAR. We don't care about having those hollywood abs and pecks, but we only care about how strong our back, ass, quads and hamstrings are. Our legs are what move and help us to create for ourselves. Life is all about creating and making shit happen. We need our legs so that we can create.We need to be able to create physical experiences for us and our kids; we need to be able to move that heavy rock in our yard; we need to be able to run a 5k for charity; we need to be able to mtn bike, ski, hunt, and fish; we need to be able to protect ourselves and our family from danger; we need to be able to save that kitten who is caught in a tree:)--as I'm sure you now get the point.We need our legs and posterior chain to be strong....Post your thoughts to comments...Remote ProgramCLEARA. Every Minute on the Minute for 15 Minutes Perform:20 Second Push-Up Plank Hold + 3 Hand Release Push UpsNOTE: So you do 20 second hold on the top of the minute and once the 20 seconds is up you go straight into 3 hand release push-ups..STRONGAMRAP in 7 minutes of:5 Burpees + 15 Bench DipsBALANCEA. Run 1 mile @ 80% effortB. Directly after the workout, cool down, getting lost in prayer and meditative thought + Read for 30 minutes + briefly write about the experience… Student / Life Coach Program
CLEARA. 3 Sets of : 10 Fast Russian KBS + 10 Fast Burpees; rest 1 minuteB. Practice box jumps for 7 minutesSTRONGA. Build to a tough single in the Dead Lift 70-75% (get warmed-up).BALANCE CrossFit Games Open Workout 14.3Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:135-lb. deadlifts, 10 reps15 box jumps, 24-inch185-lb. deadlifts, 15 reps15 box jumps, 24-inch225-lb. deadlifts, 20 reps15 box jumps, 24-inch275-lb. deadlifts, 25 reps15 box jumps, 24-inch315-lb. deadlifts, 30 reps15 box jumps, 24-inch365-lb. deadlifts, 35 reps15 box jumps, 24-inch
NOTE: Post how you do. Set your weights up so that you can add them to your bar easily.