The Daily Experience 4/25/14

The quiet experience...Remote ProgramAM (earlier the better–just before sunrise)A. Run for 4 Minutes (high intensity) + 10 burpee broad Jumps X 3  (be creative, and do this in a unique spot. Work on prayer & gratitude)PM (later the better–just before dark)A. 5--100 yard hill sprints (medium grade); prayer during rest / walk down–notice scenery. (find a hill that is long and not too steep)B. Go visit someone–grandparents, parents, old friend, etc…make this happen Student ProgramCLEARA. 30 second hand stand holds; rest 1 min. X 3B. 5 Burpees + 10 Kbs + 20 Double Unders; rest 1 min. X 3STRONGA. Build to a tough single in the Power SnatchB. 6 Sets of: Snatch Grip Dead Lift + Power Snatch + Squat Snatch (build each set)C. 50 Ring DipsBALANCEAMRAP in 15 Minutes of:Run 200 Meters6 Power Snatch (115/75)7 Toes2Bar8 Box Jumps (24/20)NOTE: Post time completed…SPIRITUAL WORKA. Go visit someone–grandparents, parents, old friend, etc…make this happen Life Coach ProgramCLEAR3 Sets of:5 Burpees + 10 Pressing Sit-Ups (85/65) + 5 1 minuteSTRONGA. Split Jerk: 3 (65), 3 (65), 3 (65), 2 (75), 2 (75), 1 (80)–(work on technique & being fast--be better than last week)C. Low Bar: 12 Reps @ 75% (1RM)–slightly heavier than last week, 5 less reps.NOTE: Post loads + how this goes. How did C go?BALANCEFor Time Complete:20 Power Clean (135/95)25 Toes2Bar30 Calorie Row15 Power Clean (135/95)20 Toes2Bar25 Calorie Row10 Power Clean (135/95)15 Toes2Bar20 Calorie RowsNOTE: Post time completed... SPIRITUAL WORKA. Go visit someone–grandparents, parents, old friend, etc…make this happen