The Weekend Experience

Track ExperienceA. Run 1 mile @ 70% effort (prayer / meditate)B. On the track, sprint 100 meters; rest 2 minutes X 5C. On the football field perform 3 sets for times of:50 Yard Latter;  walk rest 3 minutes (pray / meditate)NOTE: You go out 10, back 10, out 20, back 20....until 50 and back...Post 3 timesD. At the track, read for 20 minutes…. Spiritual WorkA. Read 20 minutes X 4-6Be creative, and look to read in unique placesB. Prayer / MeditationDrive or walk somewhere unique and get lost in prayer out loudC. CommunicationTell someone in your family that you love them, and are thankful for them. Challenge yourself on this one...Try and surprise someone.