The Daily Experience 6/30/14
Working the WAR ProgramWe are always told as addicts that we need to be working a program: namely the 12 step program. I agree with this, as the 12 step program is the gateway to repentance, and is inspired.WAR is that other program that fits nicely right along side the step work. And just in the same way as our working the steps each day in our lives is something we are to do forever, we need also to be working the WAR program forever as well.What a way of life this can be for us; not only are we actively participating in the cleansing process of repentance, but we are also creating a beautiful lifestyle that will put us on track to finding out who we can become in this life.The everyday common individual would benefit greatly from living a life in the way of the 12 steps and WAR. The circle meetings are where God dwells, and are His spiritual emergency rooms, so to speak. WAR, then, is where our human spirit can make the most progress, and provides us with a way to feel better: physically, mentally, spiritually, nutritionally, and emotionally.Post your thoughts.... REMOTE PROGRAMA. Every minute on minute for 12 minutes perform: Sprint 100 metersB. For time: 100 Air Squats + Run 1 mileC. Drive or walk to a quiet unique spot and then read for 30 minutes.D. After reading, and before you leave the quiet spot, say a prayer. STUDENT PROGRAMClear3 sets of:30 Double Unders10 Calorie Rows…….rest 1 minutesStrongA. Build to a heavy front squatB. EMOM for 5 minutes: 4 FS (75%) + 4 BurpeesNOTE: Post loads + reps.BalanceFor time complete:15 Thrusters (95/65)15 Ring Dips15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)Note: post time completed…Spiritual WorkA. Drive or walk to a quiet unique spot and then read for 30 minutes.B. After reading, and before you leave the quiet spot, say a prayer. LIFE COACH PROGRAMClear3 sets of:50 Double Unders30 ft hand stand 90 secondsStrongA. Dead Lift: 5 (75), 3 (85). + Max Effort @ 95%.B. 10 Power Clean, AHAP (not tng); rest 3 min. x 3C. Max Strict Pull-Ups x 3.NOTE: Post loads + reps + how it all went. How did you feel?Balance3 Rounds for time of:Run 400 meters10 muscle ups25 wall ballsNOTE: Post time completed…Spiritual WorkA. Drive or walk to a quiet unique spot and then read for 30 minutes.B. After reading, and before you leave the quiet spot, say a prayer.