The Daily Experience 7/3/14

Kayden doing 10 thrusters. I'm proud of this kid. Keep going hard buddy..WAR Makes People HappyWAR will make a person happy. By us lifting weights, trying to eat healthy, being a reader, and thinking less of ourselves and more of others, will put us on a path to finding joy, happiness, and peace in this life.It's not just the gym experience that we need to make progress in: that's the least of it. We need to be watching how we act out in the world. We need to be acting with patience and poise even when we feel like flipping out. How far can a person travel with feeling uncomfortable before they crack and get side tracked? I think a person can travel a long way--though it takes practice and having a belief in God (higher power). If we believe that we have help then we will look for that help, and will realize that obedience is linked to blessings, which will give way to us now having a testimony of God.If we choose to stay clear even when we want to get clouded-- then we will be blessed. If we attend a circle meeting instead of drug seeking--then we will be blessed. It's the choices that we make each day that determine if we are to be happy. A series of wrong choices leads to the loss of the spiritual; and without the spiritual one cannot be truly happy.Post your thoughts.... REMOTE PROGRAMA. At a park perform for time: 100 Push-ups + 75 Sit Ups + 50 Bench JumpsB. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you. STUDENT PROGRAMClearA. 50 HR push upsB. Tabata Sit ups--4 minutesStrongEMOM for 12:min 1: 8 TnG Shoulder2Overhead (135/95)min 2: 8 Toes2barmin 3: 8 Calorie RowsNOTE: Post how this went...BalanceFor Time Complete:12 Power Snatch (95/65)15 Box Jumps (24/20)Row 300 meters15 KBS (70/55)12 Burpees (6 inch target)NOTE: Post time completed…Spiritual WorkA. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you. LIFE COACH PROGRAMClear3 rounds @ 80%:5 Tire FlipsSprint 100 is walk backNOTE: Post how this went...StrongA. Hang Power Clean-3rm (start just above knee). + 3 @ 95%, 3 @ 90%.NOTE: Post loads + reps + how it goes…Balance3 rounds for a total time of:Row 75020 Toes2bar50 Double 1:1NOTE: post total time completed...Spiritual WorkA. Send out a text, telling someone how thankful you are for them. Or call someone that you haven’t spoken to in a while and end the conversation with you telling them thanks for all that they have done for you.