The Daily Experience 10/20/14
Layton Track ExperienceWent and did the track experience at Layton High, which is the school that my father has coached and been the athletic director at. I grew up at this school as a kid, going to Layton's games, and spending time with my father in practicing and playing sports. I had some good memories flow into my mind on this day, and for that I'm thankful. I've said this before, but it's not all about the gym experience; it's about these types of experiences as well. Keep trying to get into them. These are the spiritual work of the program. REMOTE PROGRAMExperience Note: be better than last weekA. Perform for time:100 Air SquatsRun 800 meters100 Push UpsRun 800 metersB. Afterwards, then read for 20 minutes on the site of where you performed the experience. Hopefully you can read on your phone–if not, then bring a book. STUDENT PROGRAMClear3 rounds @ 80%10 KBS10 Thrusters (bar)10 Push-UpsStrongA. Quickly, build to a tough single in the power clean+FS (or full clean)B. Front Squat Session:1) 3 x 5 pause front squats (3 seconds in bottom); rest 2 minutesC. Low Bar Session:1) Find 10rm (better than last week)2) 10 @ 95% of 10rm3) 10 @ 90% of 10rmNOTE: Post loads + how you do….BalanceA. Every 2 minutes for 12 minutes perform:5 TnG Power Clean & Jerk, AHAP (be better than last week) minute 14 perform B.B. 30 unbroken burpee box jump overs (20) + 30 unbroken wall ballsNote: post load used + time, and if you were able to hold UNBROKEN....Spiritual WorkA. 5 minute cool down walk — say a prayer. LIFE COACH PROGRAMClearA. Snatch Warm-Up–practice with the bar or 65lbs for 7 minutesStrongA. Pause Snatch (3 count pause at the knee 5 x 2 @ 80%; rest as neededB. 3 sets of:B1) 3 TnG Snatch 80% (full).…….rest 90 secondsB2) 60 seconds ME strict toes2bar…….rest 90 secondsBalance10 Minute ARAMP of:KB Snatches (55/35)---then, with no rest10 Minute Row For Distance(outlaw emphasis)Note: Score is total burpeesSpiritual WorkA. 5 minute cool down walk — say a prayer