The Daily Experience 4/13/15

Tom, #315 Low Bar. He went hard through the last 12 week cycle and it paid off. Nice work man. Keep up the good work. Remote ProgramA. 5 min. warm-up jog (prayer / gratitude)B. AMRAP in 6 min: burpees (on some grass)C. 5 min. cool down jog (prayer / gratitude)D. Read for 25 minutes on site (spiritual read) Student ProgramStart of new 12 wk cycleThis is a 12 week-5 day a week (M,T,Th,F,S) cycle, thats goal is to build raw, powerful strength in hopes of leading the participator to gaining a strong posterior chain. The participator will advance through 3-3 week waves, with the fourth week being a de-load week, then making up the 12 week cycle. This isn’t a technical program, meaning that it’s emphasis is not solely on the classic lifts of olympic weight lifting. The lifts in this program that the participator will attempt to linear progress on are these: the clean, the snatch, the low bar back squat, the clean grip bench press, the dead lift, the front squat, the push-press, and the pull-up. Please pay attention to the details of your training, meaning logging all of your #’s. Make it happen & don't miss.Clear4 sets of:30 UB Double Unders + 12 pull-ups UB 90 secondsNote: post how this goes. If you can do it UB.Strong .A. Clean (full): build to tough single (not 1rm). Find 5rm. 1x5@95%, 1x5@90% (not Tng.)B. EMOM for 3 minutes perform: 4 cleans (try TnG) @ 75% (5RM).Note: log all #'s + detailed notes...BalanceTester:4 rounds for time of:Row 500 meters10 burpee box jump overs (24/20)15 KBS (70/55)Note: post time completed. We will re-test this later on in the cycle. Life Coach ProgramClear10 minutes of mobilityStrongA. push press – 1×4@50%, 1×4@60%, 1×4@70%, 1×4@80%, 4×4@90%B. squat – 1×4@50%, 1×4@60%, 1×4@70%, 1×4@80%, 4×4@90%BalanceA. 15 minute jog (z1 pace--prayer/gratitude)