The Daily Experience 5/26/15

Me doing 5 mid thigh cleans #280. My feet are now tighter for the receiving position which has allowed me to get in to the bottom and bounce out. Still a lot of work to do but I am making progress on this cycle.I want everyone to analyze their current strength and conditioning program. Are you paying attention to the details of your training? Are you getting enough sleep? How is your nutrition? What are your goals? ARE YOU LINEAR PROGRESSING???? Remote ProgramA. Run for 10 minutes (high intensity)B. Read for 10 minutesC. Run for 10 minutes (high intensity)D. Send out a text of gratitude Student Program (phase 2: wk 3)Clear4 sets of:16 Toes2Bar + ME Strict HSPU; rest 15 seconds; 4-6 kipp HSPU (be careful; don’t slam down on head)…….rest 90 secondsNote: post how this goes. If you can do it UB. How many HSPU did you get?StrongA. Back Squat: Tough Single. 5RM, 5@95%, 5@90%B. Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes perform: 4 Back Squat @ 85% of 5RMC. Clean Grip Bench Press: Tough Single (not 1RM). 5RM. 5@95%, 5@90% x 2. ME Reps @ 85% (5RM).Note: log all #’s + detailed notes… On C, do your 90% twice like it saysBalanceEMOM for 15 minutes:min. 1: 10 ohs (135/95)--from groundmin. 2: 10 behind the neck push press (135/95)min. 3: 10 burpee bar hopsNote: post how this goes...