The Daily Experience 5/28/15

What a great pictureThe WAR gym is so cool. We got some good additions coming soon to the WAR gym. A program called Wodify will be added, which means there will be two big TV's in the gym now. Everyone's information will be added into the program and you can put all of your #'s and notes in it as well. We can link it directly up to the blog/website, so if you put your #'s on the blog then they will be saved in the wodify program--pretty cool. Also, all of your monthly donations will be ran through wodify along with the waivers. This will be a good program that will tighten up our little community and will make if far more professional and clean. Remote ProgramNote: do this one at a track if you can...A. For Time: 30 burpee broad jumps + run 800 metersB. Read for 25 minutes in some place that is unique + take a picture. Student Program (phase 2: wk 3)Clear5 sets of:30 UB Double Unders + 4-8 weighted Pull-Ups (adv. weighted)…….rest 90 secondsNote: Be better than last week…StrongA. Snatch (Full): build to tough single (not 1rm). Find 3rm. 1×3@95%, 1×3@90% (not Tng.)–advanced only..B. EMOM for 6 minutes perform: 1 Snatch (try TnG) @ 90% (3RM)–advanced only.C. Dead lift: 5@75, 3@85, ME@95%.BalanceA. Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes: 3 Clean from knee @ 70% (1RM) + 6 burpee bar hops…….then after completion of A, rest 2 minutes and do B.B. 3 rounds @ 100% effort:10 pull-upsRow 200run 200 metersNote: post time completed….