The Daily Experience 5/29/15
Colio. The Beard King. Cole's been away at work but is soon to return, and the first place he will be visiting will be our team here at the WAR beard shop. In that special shop his now out of control beard will again return to it's true form of being square and slick. Now that he has grown it out our WAR beard team will be able to form it into a professional look that will then provide Cole with a type of clout and character that he has never before experienced. Many pedestrians will take a hard look at first, but then will glance away quickly, soon realizing that the type of man carrying a beard such as Coles must surely be a bad ass--and one that they are not comfortable making eye contact with.The power of the beard--ha ha. Remote ProgramNote: Again, to be done at a track. Do better than last time…A. 5 rounds for time:25 Air Squats + Run 400 metersB. Send out a text of gratitude Student Program (phase 2: wk 3)Clear4 sets of:14 GHD Sit-Ups + ME Strict HSPU + 4-6 Kipp HSPU…….rest 90 secondsNote: Post #’sStrongA. Front Squat: Tough single (not 1rm). 5RM. 5@95%. 5@90%B. Every 2 min. for 10 min. perform: 4 FS @ 85% (5RM)C. Push Press: Tough Single (not 1RM). 5RM. 5@95%. 5@90%. + ME Set @ 85% (5RM)Note: log all #’s + detailed notes…Balance5 rounds for time of:15 KBS (55/35)100 meter up hill KB farmer carry (55/35)15 Goblet Squats at top (55/35)100 meter down hill KB farmer carry (55/35)15 burpees (on some grass)Note: post time completed...