The Daily Experience 6/18/15

The WAR hands & Construction WorkersThis is the type of hands that the WAR lifestyle creates. Hands that have been through some sh. All people should hope to have hands that look like these, since that would mean that they have done something worthwhile, like sling a barbell, or go hard at their labor job of construction. We have a bunch of dudes in WAR who work long hard construction days, and they still have the courage to walk into the WAR gym at night, where they look like hammered sh(excuse the cussing but I felt it was appropriate-ha), but they still make it into WAR because they know that they need it regardless of how tired they might feel. Im proud of these dudes, and they know who they are. Keep staying close to the barbell way of life and you will continue to get tougher in all of life. All of us have busy lives that lead us to being tired at the end of the day. The loser mentality says that we are too tired, or that we don't have enough time. The winner mentality says that we are not that tired, and that we do have time. WE GOTTA GET IT IN LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OR WE WON'T PASS THE SCHOOL OF ADDICTION. IF WE DON'T KEEP MAKING IT HAPPEN OURSELVES THEN HOW CAN WE SPREAD THE WAR CAUSE? KEEP MAKING IT HAPPEN SO THAT WE CAN ALL BECOME COACHES AND TEACHERS IN THE SCHOOL OF ADDICTION. Oh yeah, and make sure that you develop the WAR hands :) Remote ProgramNote: find a bench, and then do a burpee and then jump up on the bench. If you don't know a perfect 400 meters, then guessitmate to a location. As always, be creative.A. Complete 3rounds for time of: 10 burpee bench jumps + run 400 metersB. Read for 25 minutes in some place that is unique + take a picture. Student Program (phase 3: wk 2)Clear5 sets of:8 High Box Jumps + 4-8 weighted Pull-Ups (adv. weighted)+ 4-8 CTB Pull-Ups…….rest 90 secondsNote: CTB added.StrongA. Snatch (Full): build to tough single (not 1rm). Find 2rm. 1×2@95%, 1×2@90% (not Tng.)–advanced only..B. EMOM for 2 minutes perform: 1-2 Snatch @ 90% (2RM)–advanced only.C. Dead lift: 3@70% 3@75, 3@80%, 3@85%, ME@90%.BalanceA. Every 2 minutes for 10 minutes: 3 Power Clean & Power Jerk @ 70% + 8 KBS (70/55)…….then after completion of A, rest 2 minutes and do B.B. 3 rounds @ 100% effort:10 Burpee Box Jumps (20)50 Double UndersNote: log time completed + how A went...